viernes, 17 de febrero de 2017

How to use Strings in Ruby?

Strings objects are used for hold and manipulates a sequence of bytes,usually they represented character.

The correct syntax for use them is explain below.

Double quote "" : Use when you need string interpolation and character escapes.

Single quote '' : Use when is not needed perform actions inside the strings,all what you see is what you get.

Back quote `` : Use for communicate with the operative system by commands.

# single quote 
      puts '2 + 2 = 4' 

# double quote 
      puts "2 + 2 = #{2+2}" 

# back quote 
     puts `which ruby` 

Element reference

Get a substring of an specific string using the index or position of the characters.

# Element reference

sentence =  ' The Goths were a powerful tribe '


# Result is 'G'
# white space are count

# using range

 # begin from 4 to 8, using two dots

 # start from 4 to 8, using three dots, is equal to 4 to 8 less 1.

 # negative numbers start count from right to left
 # Element reference

String concatenations

In Ruby use "+" operand to concatenate strings

# simple
 puts 'Hello' + 'World'
 puts 'Hello' 'World'

# Let's use a variable
 exp = 'Hello'

 puts exp + 'World'

# Let's use two variables

 exp 1= 'Hello'
 exp2= 'World'
 puts exp1 + exp2
# Using the 'concat'  method
  exp1= 'Hello'
  puts exp1.concat('World!')  

 #Using <<
puts 'Hello' << 'World'

Using some methods of the String class

Ruby allow get a list of the different available methods for ruby classes.

# set a string 

 exp = "a b c d e f g h l" 
 puts  exp.methods

Checking if a string has an specific word or character.

# set a string 

exp = "a b c d e f g h l" 
puts exp.include?('h')

 # the output will be a boolean type, in this case true

 Changing strings to uppercase and lowercase.
# change to uppercase 
exp = ' a b c d e f g '
 puts exp.upcase

# change to lowercase
exp = ' A B C D E F G '
puts exp.downcase! 
puts exp.downcase! 

 # Capitalize (the first letter)
 exp = ' a b c d e f g '
 puts exp.capitalize! 

# Convert from uppercase to lowercase or from lowercase to uppercase
 exp = 'A b C d E f '
 puts exp.swapcase

 String Literals

  %q/ Single quoted string / 

  %Q/ Double quoted string /
  %/ Double quoted string /

  # what you see is what you get 
  %w/ #{2+3} 5 7 / 

 # return the result of 2+3 
  %W/ #{2+3} 5 7 / 

  %r| regular expression | 

  %s/ return a :symbol / 

  %x/ command for the OS / 

Thus conclude the explanation of handling string in Ruby.

                         puts  ' Thanks for reading! '
                        With 💜 from Santo Domingo, DR.

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